10/2 Bayview to Shelly Beach Relay...more or less..
February 8, 2009
Race report by Lisa Green for the 40km Bayview to Shelly Beach Relay held on 1 February 2009. I think I can safely say that during the 40km Bayview...
21/1 Paulie gets a new paddle...
January 20, 2009
When a Pacific Dragon has a mishap, we know that the best way to get out of it is to paddle harder. When a Pacific Dragon has a mishap, we know that...
21/1 My First race with Pacific Dragons
January 20, 2009
When I saw the race crew email I thought there must be a mistake, me, at Seat 1? I thought oh well go with it and when Todd realises at practice I'll...
20/1 Record Numbers of PDs in NSW State DB Team
January 19, 2009
Congrats to the 36 PD dragon boaters and the many other PD outrigging friends that have been selected in the NSW Dragon Boat Team. The team will...
16/1 Vote for OC6 Race Crew Formats
January 15, 2009
One thing we left out of the recent Paddlers Survey was the option to vote for even crews in minor (local) OC6 races, and seeded crews in key OC6...