4/7 Vale Jenny Petterson
July 4, 2009
The Dragons Abreast club have writte up a wonderful article with pictures on Jenny, check it out here.
1/7 Remembering Jenny Petterson
July 1, 2009
After a long battle with cancer a member of the PD family, Jenny Petterson, passed away on June 30. Jenny was a brave, remarkable lady, with whom the...
PD Coaching Feedback Survey Results
June 10, 2009
Many thanks to all those that participated in the 2008/09 PD Coaching Survey! ...
6/6 PD's make the Everton 'Bluekipper Website'
June 5, 2009
Bluekipper is the mighty Everton FC’s number 1 Fansite & LOOK the Mighty PD’s have popped up on there! (From our P.G.Tips...