The Pacific Dragons are almost ready to send 3 crews to race at The Gorge Outrigger Canoe Race (OC) and The Gorge Downwind Champs (OC1 and SUP)! and This race will be 21 miles long, with women and men crews racing down the Columbia River, on the border between the Oregon and Washing states of USA.

The Gorge Race will be held on 13 July 2019 (the morning of 14 July AEST), with clinics on 12 July, and The Gorge Downwind Champs will run through 15-20 July. The race day will occur in a 3-day window between 18-20 July

We’ll be publishing a blog from the moment our chief correspondent lands on US soil, so stay tuned to this Web site, and accompany us on our epic trip!