Day 4: OC1.
Today’s another day of OC1, my kind of OC!
The more novice group had an awesome time doing some ins and outs from the picturesque Kukuiula Bay. By all accounts, everyone had fun, rode some waves, and learnt a lot! I think quite a few people will come home wanting one of those nice-looking Kai Wa’a Antares and Ares.
As the new self-crowned ama-flying champion of the Kauai PD branch (which amounts to a large number, like 14) though, I had to put myself into the advanced group. The ones doing a down-winder. I haven’t done a downwinder for a couple of years now, so anything could happen here! And I huli’ed twice. By the time it happened, I had saved myself a bunch of times already. Not too pleased that I hulli’ed, but reasonably happy that I could instinctively save myself if I wasn’t too tired. I think it happens because I shift my mass when I paddle, and I’m gaining more mass on this trip from all the eating 😀
But it was all good – I managed to ride heaps of bumps and had awesome fun. Here’s my Garmin stats.
Dinner was a very filling ono (local name for moonfish) steak with mash for a family of 5, preceded by copious amounts of local mangoes and papaya, coconut prawns, hommus and pork rind, and followed by large beers.
Tomorrow’s going to be an early rise, because we’re getting briefed by some real paddling experts. Looking forward to it!
Nicola‘s photo takes the prize for today – no one can trump it, when a cute turtle comes over to say hi! 🙂