The Cook Is Training Program has been updated as of 1 Oct. See the Cook Is Forum for an explanantion of the changes. The weights program can now also be downloaded. This is a great program for wwweloping strength and power required for both paddling and water changes.

The Cook Is Training Program has been updated as of 1 Oct. See the Cook Is Forum for an explanantion of the changes. The weights program can now also be downloaded. This is a great program for wwweloping strength and power required for both paddling and water changes.

Cook Islands Training Plan v3.2

Cook Is Weights Program – Complete (24Aug09-22Nov09).xls

Please contact Linda or Billy with any feedback or questions.

Training Program
Fitness-wise we first build general fitness and paddling base which you then adapt to paddling at higher intensities. We then reduce the rest while continuing to work hard at those higher intensities in order to over-tax your body and consequently get it to overcompensate. Finally we increase the rest to allow your body to use that overcompensation to extend your race intensity/speed even higher.

Skills-wise we first get your paddling technique in as top shape as possible through the lower intensity L2 work. This ensures you’re both efficient and free of injury-inducing elements. We then introduce the Injury Prevention Routine to make sure you don’t miss any of the great paddling experiences coming our way. It’s then onto more specifics with oceans skills and safety refresher, including building open water huli skills. To this we add surfing and race specific skills/tactics. Finally we tackle static and then dynamic water changes.

Minimum Requirements
All paddlers going to Cook Is must do a minimum of 3 paddling sessions plus one injury prevention session per week . This is made up of at least one OC6 session until the end of Aug then increasing to two up until the last few weeks when it will become three.

Those with a goal of being in the 18km crews are required to do a minimum of 5 paddling, one gym and one injury prevention session per week. This is made up of at least one OC6 session until the end of July then increasing to two up until the last few weeks when it will become three.

Some points to note:
– For all paddlers one OC6 session will need to be the weekend ocean session from Balmoral
– OC6 sessions have been kept to a minimum due to the overlap with the single craft racing season. Those aiming for the 18km crews are therefore expected to have a significant single craft component in their weekly routine.
– The gym program will be provided shortly and is strongly advised for anyone intending doing the changes race even if they’re not aiming for 18km crews
– The Injury Prevention Routine will also be provided shortly and is something you can do at home in your own time. It is critical to ensuring you don’t miss a single great paddling experience at Cook Is and in the lead up to it!
– The entire program is periodised with every 4th week being a recovery week. This is when the number of sessions is reduced to allow your body to rest and repair in preparation for upping the intensity/effort in the following phase.
– There are Aus DB Squad exceptions to the above as outlined in the detailed program
– Paddlers will be asked to indicate if they are aiming for 18km Crews or not. This will help ensure coaches provide sufficient sessions and support to those paddlers in meeting minimum requirements.