It’s the off-season but there’s still plenty of outrigging opportunities to be had!

We’ve got crews preparing for both the Hawkebsury Canoe Classic and the Cook Is Vaka Eiva in November…

It’s the off-season but there’s still plenty of outrigging opportunities to be had!

We’ve got crews preparing for both the Hawkebsury Canoe Classic and the Cook Is Vaka Eiva in November. You can checkout info on both of these as well as outlines of the training plans by logging in and going to On The Water > Outrigging:

OC: Hawkesbury Canoe Classic (24-25/10/09)

OC: Vaka Eiva (Cook Is, 20-27/11/09)

Even if you can’t do either of these events you’re welcome to get involved in some great training sessions being run to prepare paddlers for them. The Hawkesbury is focussed on build paddling base and being the off-season at the moment there is no better focus to have with your paddling. The Cook Is crews will also be working on base but will also be turning that into race speed in the lead up to the event as well as wwweloping ocean skills. Check out the Training Schedule for session details.

Thank you to the session coordinators for their continual efforts in tracking down steerers for sessions and for the existing PD steerers in helping out as much as possible.

We have a lot of catching up to do with respect to building up PD steering skills and getting existing steerers moving to the next steerer level. Not only that, steering is a fantastic experience and we want as many people as possible to get amongst it!

With Prague in the way unfortunately we’re unable to take immediate steps to improve the steerer situation. However we are aiming to have made some serious inroads by the Oct 26 OC season start date. In the mean time please hang in there!

A New Season, A New Approach
As you can see form the OC Coaching Team invite we’re taking a slightly different approach for the coming season. We’re going to have different people taking on different roles all with the aim of creating some awesome outrigging paddling experiences for you. With any new approach there are always things that work and things that don’t. Please be patient while we get things up and running and work through the inevitable teething problems.