The Pacific Dragons has over 100 members, and with so many training sessions, events, races and locations, it’s really important to make sure that you’re getting all the news about what’s going on.

We use the Yahoo! Groups to send information to paddlers. You need to be subscribed to these lists. Typical messages include changes to training sessions or cancellations, race reports, invitations to regattas, bulletins from AOCRA and DBNSW and feedback from coaches.

To subscribe, click on the Off the Water menu, then Email Groups. Follow the instructions to subscribe to all the groups that apply to you. For example:

  • Jill attends DB and OC training sessions, and owns her own OC1. She needs to be a member of PDALL, PDDB, PDOC, PDSingle and PDWomen.
  • Jack only comes to DB training, so he needs to get emails from PDALL, PDDB and PDMen. He joins PDChat for fun.

Please follow good ettiquette when sending emails to the groups – ask your committee or coaches if you are not sure.

If you have any problems, let Sarah know and she can help.